Annie has been a hairdresser for 36 years: Feeling good about your hair means a lot

Hair is one of the first things we notice about another person. Therefore, it’s perhaps not surprising that hair is perceived as important for many of us.

Hair is an attention-grabber. A great hairstyle is the finishing touch when you dress up, and if a good friend has changed their hairstyle, you usually notice it right away. As a hairdresser, Annie Madsen well knows how important looking good with shiny hair is for the well-being of her clients.

“Having healthy, well-groomed, and strong hair affects self-esteem. It’s of little use to adorn oneself with nice clothes if our hair doesn’t feel good,” she says.

Annie runs Aks Frisør og Velvære in Stokmarknes together with Christian Sivertsen, and for 36 years she has seen customers rise with a smile after getting their hair done.

“I feel like a new person” is a frequently expressed phrase. This always pleases a hairdresser’s heart to hear, and it also says a lot about the significance of hair.

Talk to the doctor

This is precisely why there is significant concern when the hair becomes thinner.

“Most people are open about their concerns surrounding hair loss, and I’ve had many conversations with worried customers who feel they are losing a lot of hair. It’s important to explain that this can have many causes,” she says.

Her first advice is to contact a doctor to have a blood test. This will show if a deficiency in, for example, iron or B-vitamins could be the cause of losing a lot of hair. It’s also good to rule out that the problem is due to hormonal imbalance.

“Disease and stress can also be causes of losing more hair than usual.”


Hair loss during transitional periods

But what is actually normal? According to Annie, we lose about 100-200 hair strands per day, and if you have long and thick hair, this can feel like quite a lot.

It doesn’t take much before you start to get a bit anxious, but the hairdresser prefers to see if the problem persists for some time before she becomes concerned.

“After many years in the profession, I’ve seen that, for example, transitional periods between light and dark seasons can affect how much hair one loses.”

It’s common for people to lose more hair in spring and autumn.

“If the customer has ruled out disease and deficiencies with a blood test, my best advice is to ensure that the hair has optimal conditions with enough vitamins and minerals,” says Annie.


Tried and tested by hairdressers

A dietary supplement should not replace a varied diet, but it can be a good supplement if you want to make sure you get the vitamins and nutrients your body and hair need every day.

“We have now been selling Hair Luxious for over a year. It started when we were recommended the dietary supplement by a customer who had good experiences with this multivitamin for hair. After that, our hairdressers tried it out”, Annie says.

Hair Luxious contains, among other things, biotin, which contributes to maintaining normal, beautiful hair.

– They also found that they benefited from the dietary supplement.


Patchy hair loss

Eva Meland at Beauty Medical Care in Tønsberg confirms that there can be many reasons why the hair becomes thinner. She is a nurse with further education as a clinical specialist in aesthetic treatments and has worked with skin for 24 years.

“If you lose a lot of hair when brushing or touching your hair, it’s important to check with the doctor if there are any underlying causes.”

The same applies if the hair loss is patchy.

“An investigation is then necessary for starting in the right direction to get help,” says Eva.

More, and thicker hair

For some, hair loss is genetic, and it is also common for both men and women to lose their hair, the latter commonly in connection with menopause.

“Men often get receding hairlines, while women get thinner hair on top,” she says.

Stress, autoimmune diseases, and scalp diseases can also lead to thinner and less hair.

“A poor diet can also contribute,” says Eva, who uses Hair Luxious herself as an addition to healthy food.

Ensuring that you get the vitamins and minerals your hair and body need is essential, but there is no dietary supplement that can replace a healthy and nutritious diet. Taking a dietary supplement and vitamins for thinning hair as a safety net on days when you can’t eat as healthily can be a good insurance, however.

Hair Luxious is a product full of vitamins and nutrients that contribute to normal hair growth. This includes selenium, zinc, B-vitamins, and the hair vitamin, biotin. You can also find this substance in foods like meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables.

This healthy hair supplement should not be used by children under 11 years. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or using prescription drugs, you should consult your doctor before using this vegan multivitamin product.