Privacy Policy

Good For Me AS, NO 999 572 525, Øvre Slottsgate 4, N-0157 Oslo is the data controller for the personal information you enter when executing a transaction, registering to receive the newsletter, or similar actions. We handle your personal data securely.

For questions beyond the scope of this document, you can contact us at for more information.

What type of personal information will we handle?

When you shop at we need your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. This is necessary to be able to complete your order by sending the products to the right delivery address and to contact you if necessary. We are obligated to store the information regarding accounting, fee management, and any management of warranty or returns. For security reasons, we will also store the IP address used when placing an order.

What will we use your personal data for?

Processing of your personal information depends on your consent, that it is necessary to fulfil a contract with you, that it is based in a balancing of interests, or other legal foundations.

The information is first and foremost used to be able to complete your order in a safe and correct fashion. Without information such as name and address, it is impossible to ship a delivery or fulfil our part of the purchase agreement.

Other purposes are correct identification, customer surveys, and statistics. The information may also be used to send you direct marketing, text messages, and e-mails, as well as for marketing and information by phone unless you have chosen not to receive such communications. You will at any time have the option to contact us to opt out potential marketing directed at you as a customer. You also have the option to unsubscribe from every marketing channel every time you receive a newsletter or text message.

The information gathered can be used and compiled to perform profiling, which is an automated handling of personal information to analyse preferences, interests, and behaviour. Such handling can be performed to analyse purchasing habits with the purpose of giving you relevant information and marketing and to improve the website, payment methods, and payment processes. Handling of data to improve payment methods and payment processes includes handling where your personal information is potentially transferred to other companies in the Good For Me group, and to third-party suppliers included in the basis for the analysis. The personal information will therefore be handled together with information in other registers, such as credit information registers.

In the event that all or parts of Good For Me’s business operations are sold or integrated with other business operations, your personal information may be given to our advisors, as well as to the new owner of the business operations.

How do we protect your personal data?

We have completed safety procedures and technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data, such as certification procedures for browsers. We have data processing agreements in place with all suppliers that handle personal information on our behalf.

When using third party suppliers for handling personal information in the United States, we only use companies certified by US Privacy Shield. When using third party suppliers for handling personal data outside the EU/EEA, the transfer of personal data will be regulated by standard terms developed by the European Commission (unless the country in question has privacy laws approved as acceptable by the EU), and otherwise abide by the demands Norwegian law has set for such transfer of personal data. Examples of third party suppliers we use are Mailchimp (The Rocket Science Group) for issuing newsletters, Google for analytics, statistics, and marketing, and Facebook for marketing and customer service.

Good For Me does not sell personal information to third parties, and we do not trade or convey such information to a third party. We only grant access to personal data to a third party if this is necessary to perform specific services for Good For Me. We make strict agreements to ensure the security of information in such cases. Relevant information that is necessary to complete a transaction will be shared with our payment partner and mail carrier.

Card payment

We use Adyen to process credit card payments. When you pay by card, your contact and order details may be securely transferred to Adyen for payment processing. Your data is handled according to Adyen’s privacy policy.

Storing, deleting, and your rights.

Order history with accompanying personal information, potential communication with customer service, etc. will be stored as long as there is a legal foundation to keep the information. This may, for example, be because we are obligated to store certain information according to the Accounting Act, to handle potential complaints or other claims. You can request access to and/or correction of your registered personal information at any time. This can be done by submitting a signed access form at: to

Where the legal foundation for handling your personal information is consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent.

You have the right to demand your personal information to be deleted, to protest against direct marketing and other specific types of handling, and the limitation of certain types of processing. We will always comply with your demand unless we are obligated to store your information, or despite the demand have a legal foundation for continued processing. You also have the right to receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to have your personal information transferred to a different data controller (data portability). Such requests can be sent to

Should you have any objections to our handling of personal data, you can file a complaint with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority here:

What are cookies, and what are they used for?

Good For Me uses cookies, like most other online stores, and in accordance with EU law. A cookie is data stored in your browser to allow the website to recognize you from page to page and visit to visit. We use cookies both to deliver basic functionality in the online store, and for the purposes of marketing, improvement, and statistics.